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What is a Community Fridge ?

A refrigerator placed in a public space aimed to promote equal access to fresh produce while reducing food insecurity and waste. The fridge is a community focused resourced maintained through a network of support from local residents to outside donors. This form of mutual aid allows communities to come together and create conversation around food while sharing social responsibility.


The community fridge is sustained through collaborative efforts from the community, local vendors, and donors. You can drop off or take fresh produce, non-perishable items, and other basic necessities at your convenience to one of our locations below. For large donations or interest in volunteering please contact us.


For those interested in making monetary donations to assist with sustaining the fridge, QR Codes with various mobile payment can be found on-site, as well as here.



Belly of the Block: Mission

Hours of Operation

Belly of the Block @ Lilydale Progressive Church
10706 S Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60628
(Pantry is OPEN 24/7)

Fridge  Hours
Mon - Fri: All Day
Sat-Sun: Closed

Belly of the Block: Opening Hours

Belly of the Block @ KOB
11623 S Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60628

Pantry Only
Please call to access

Belly of the Block: Text

Belly of the Block

Redefining Urban Ag through Mutual Aid

Belly of the Block: Welcome
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